Catàleg del fons bibliogràfic

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Resultats 7926-7950. Trobats un total de 8273 documents

  • Twentieth century art : evening sale

    New York: Christie's, 2000

  • Twentieth century art : works from the Stephane Janssen collection

    Londres: Christie's, 1999

  • Twentieth century art and contemporany art including prints and multiples

    New York: Los Angeles, 1999

  • Twentieth century French paintings from the Chester Dale collection

    Washington D. C.: National Gallery of Art, 1952

  • Twentieth-century literary criticism

    Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1988

  • Twenty years of independent publishing : 1951-1971

    London: Peter Owen, 1971

  • Twenty-eight works from the Edward James collection

    London: Christie, Manson & Woods, 1981

  • Twenty-seventh annual international exhibition of paintings

    Pittsburg: Carnegie Institute, 1928

  • Two Scottish colourists : Samuel John Peploe and Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell

    London: The Lefevre Gallery, 1988

  • U.S. Camera '62

    New York: U.S. Camera, 1961

  • Ubu roi ; The Song of the disembraining

    Jarry, Alfred

    London: Gaberbocchus Press, 1951

  • Últimas tendencias del arte de hoy

    Dorfles, Gillo

    Barcelona: Labor, 1976

  • Ultra

    Madrid: Visor, 1997

  • Ultraísmo, existencialismo, y objetivismo en literatura

    Torre, Guillermo

    Madrid: Guadarrama, 1968

  • Umberto Boccioni

    Schneede, Uwe M.

    Stuttgart: Gerd Hatje, 1994

  • Ummah : imágenes de un islam plural

    Monreal, Luis

    Barcelona: Lunwerg, 2006

  • Un "Jaguar" y una rubia

    Palomino, Ángel

    Barcelona: Planeta, 1972

  • Un art autre

    Tapié, Michel

    Paris: Gabriel Giraud, 1952

  • Un art moyen: essai sur les usages sociaux de la photographie

    París: Les Éditions du Minuit, 2014

  • Un Chien Andalou : Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dali, 1929

    Adamowicz, Elza

    London|New York: I.B. Tauris, 2010

  • Un diari, 1919-1920: les meves impressions i records íntims

    Dalí, Salvador

    [Figueres]|Barcelona: Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí|Edicions 62, 1994

  • Un estudiant a París i altres estudis


    Barcelona: Selecta, 1963

  • Un exiliat de tercera : a París durant la Segona Guerra Mundial

    Fontserè, Carles

    Barcelona: Proa, 1999

  • Un Gentilhomme cosmopolite

    Faucigny-Lucinge, Jean-Louis de

    Paris: Perrin, 1990

  • Un hombre

    Gironella, José María

    Barcelona: Destino, 1947