Having carried out this first phase of preliminary study, the Centre for Dalinian Studies is preparing the bases for the identification and classification of the original sculptures by Salvador Dalí to be included in the forthcoming Catalogue Raisonné of Sculpture and Three-dimensional Work by Salvador Dalí. To date, this catalogue raisonné does not include any multiple works, and in no case will it include authorized reproductions of works authorized by license.
Given the diversity and richness of the materials and techniques that Dalí used in the process of creating sculpture, this catalogue raisonné will include not only works of sculpture in the traditional sense of the term but also any kind of three-dimensional object. Thus the following will be assessed and classified, where appropriate, in this catalogue: sculptures in general, reliefs, smithing, assemblages, objects, Surrealist objects, manipulated objects, installations, furniture, glass, ceramics, architectural sculpture and other works that comply with the general parameters of a sculpture or three-dimensional work.
However, it will be the actual process of work and study that will give us the information to mark out more specific guidelines, which will be fully defined and established by the time of publication of this catalogue.
Like the Catalogue Raisonné of Paintings, this will be an online edition, thus allowing us to establish an ongoing work process and a permanent system of revision and validation of the data made available by the team of specialists at the Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, and also by way of relevant new information as this comes to light.
Again following the practice adopted for the Catalogue Raisonné of Paintings, a chronological sequence of periods has been established for the study of the works and publication of the catalogue, which will therefore be presented in chronological order in successive sections. The first of these, which is being studied at present and is scheduled for publication in 2017, covers the first sculptures and objects of the Surrealist period, up until 1940.