Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Figueres

  1. The Warrior or "Los Embozados"

    Cat. no. P 978

    The Warrior or "Los Embozados"

  2. Geological Echo

    Cat. no. P 962

    Geological Echo

  3. Othello Dreaming Venice

    Cat. no. P 963

    Othello Dreaming Venice

  4. Untitled. After Head by Michelangelo

    Cat. no. P 975

    Untitled. After Head by Michelangelo

  5. Untitled. Homage to Michelangelo

    Cat. no. P 984

    Untitled. Homage to Michelangelo

  6. Pietà

    Cat. no. P 1004


  7. Cutlet and Match. The Chinese Crab

    Cat. no. P 1010

    Cutlet and Match. The Chinese Crab

  8. Untitled. The Catastrophes Series

    Cat. no. P 1012

    Untitled. The Catastrophes Series